Thursday, July 7, 2011

Speech Tips For a Successful Interview

by David Vower

In my opinion, interviews can be a fun experience, especially if you play with your language and the way you speak to your interviewer. These kinds of situations I enjoy because of the variety people posses when it comes to communication methods, and a great way to get attention, or even just to build rapport is to communicate using your speech in a way that entices your potential employer.

Using some of the following strategies you can influence your interviewer to see you in a more positive light. This can also affect your chances of being understood well, connected with, and of course getting the job!

1. Use the same kinds of words as the person who's interviewing you. This can seem like a basic strategy, but I'm not talking about copying what they say. I mean saying things that are similar, in the way that they do. Here's an example: Your interviewer asks what kind of specific experience do you have when handling problem customers who are needy. You could respond with a simple example, but why not use some of the words he used so that he can understand you better? Use expressions like: "hands on" because that will be similar to his expression of "handling". If he uses visual language, you could express how easy it was for the customer to "get the picture". These skills will give you an advantage of communication over your competition.

2. Use add on phrases to get agreement. Things like: "Isn't it?" or "Haven't you?" can be added to the end of a sentence to gain an agreement, right? It's easy isn't it? These are very powerful tactics and can be used frequently. Make sure not to do it too much or you'll be seen as being pushy though.

3. Frame yourself using words, and body language. Ask the interviewer: "If you were to describe the perfect candidate for the job, what would you see?" While you're making this statement make sure to make a frame around your own face. This is the key to anchoring yourself in their mind as they picture the perfect candidate for the position. I've not had a job interview where this tactic didn't work. It's so powerful that I use it to sell products too. Try this: "Who is the best person to get this product organised for you?" You'll be surprised by how many call backs you get!

Dave has been writing articles online for nearly 3 years now. Not only does this author specialize in health, fitness and relationships you can also check out his latest websites on Hair Products and Commercial Fitness Equipment. Both created to ensure you're informed when making the right product decision.

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